

The best way to make the right moves with your money? Run some numbers and analyze the results.

Let Data Drive Your Decisions

Whether you're buying a car, choosing a home loan or creating a savings strategy, our free financial calculators can provide valuable insights. 

Auto Loan Calculator

It's natural to focus on the sticker price. But knowing your monthly payment might be more helpful for budgeting purposes.

Mortgage Loan Calculator

When you borrow money to buy a home, it's a good to get a handle on the total interest charges you'll pay over the life of the loan.

Compound Savings Calculator

Set a savings goal, and then figure out how much money you'll need to set aside each month to reach it.

Certificate Account Calculator

Whether you're savings for 6 months or 5 years, it's easy to calculate how much you'll earn when your certificate matures.

Credit Card Payoff Calculator

Find out how to cut that big credit card balance down to size by paying a little extra each month.

Financial Health Center

Educational tools and videos to help you achieve financial wellness.

Get Started

Foothill Credit Union is a full-service credit union with California branches in Arcadia, Covina and Glendora.