
Earn It!

Start Your Kids on the Right Financial Path. Teach Them How to Save and Earn.

Coming Soon - Teach Your Kids How to "Earn It!"

With Earn It!, parents can help their kids gain practical experience and learn to make smart financial decisions while saving, spending, earning, budgeting, and even paying off a loan!

Earn It! connects a Foothill Youth Savings Accounts to a parent's account, making it super easy to keep track of everything. The best part? This is a FREE service designed to help parents teach their kids the basics of money management all within our digital banking platforms.

Highlights of Earn It!

Easily transfer money to your kids’ accounts

Put money directly into your kids’ accounts with a few taps. Plus, they can request money from parents within the online banking platform or app. Once approved, the money will be instantly available.

Set rewards for chores and good grades

Make chores and good grades exciting! Reward your kids with instant cash transfers to their accounts for completing chores or earning stellar report cards. It's a fun way to keep them motivated!

Loan them money and set up payment terms

Let your kids borrow a bit of cash and pay it back over time with interest! If they manage it well, you can reward them by covering their interest payments. It’s a fun way to teach money management

Teach them valuable money management skills

Turn budgeting and saving into a fun game for your kids! Help them develop the skills they'll need to make smart money choices as they grow up. They'll be financial whizzes before you know it!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Earn It! program encourages kids, teens and young adults to learn how to save money and build strong financial habits first-hand through an interactive tool available in your Online Banking account and the Foothill Mobile app. Earn It! allows you to assign tasks to your young saver and financially reward them for successfully completing the tasks, getting good grades and making good financial decisions by easily transferring money from your Foothill account to theirs.

You can also lend your child money, pay them an allowance and send them spending money through this simple tool. For every good financial decision your child makes, they’ll be awarded a trophy!

  • Savings: Create and track savings goals together.
  • Teaching: Learn about lending, interest and making loan payments in a fun, interactive way.
  • Account: Request and make transfers, create a budget and more!
  • Responsibility: Assign and hold your child responsible for chores, tasks and small loans.
Foothill savings and checking accounts can be used with the Earn It! program to provide rewards and money transfers.
To enroll in the Earn It! program:
  • Child must have an active Foothill account in good standing.
  • Parent must have an active Foothill account in good standing.
  • Parent must be listed as a joint owner on their child’s Foothill account with preference access to the child’s account.
  • You’re required to have Online Banking access. It is preferred that your child has their own Online Banking credentials. Parents have the ability to mark tasks complete and submit requests on their child’s behalf.
Parnet must enroll the child in Online Banking by clicking the Earn It! widget. If the child has their own online banking credentials, once they login to their online banking account they will see they have been enrolled into Earn It! and begin using the program immediately.
  1. Sign into Online Banking and open Earn It!
  2. On the “Overview” tab, select “Create/Update budget.”
  3. With your parent’s help, enter your total deposits, expenses, short-term savings, long-term savings, charitable giving and spending goals for the month.
  4. Once complete, select “Submit.”
You can earn a trophy by completing any of the following requirements:  
  • Make 5 loan payments on time
  • Pay off a loan
  • Reach their savings goal
  • Complete a monthly budget
  • Complete 10 tasks
  1. Sign into Online Banking and open Earn It!
  2. Select the “trophies earned this month” button next to your avatar photo at the top of the page.
  3. Select the “Leaderboard” tab.
  4. You can view your place on the leaderboard for your household and your place on the leaderboard for all Earn It! program participants at Foothill.

Foothill Credit Union is a full-service credit union with California branches in Arcadia, Covina and Glendora.