Community Rules
Welcome to The Foothill Credit Union Blog. We welcome your comments on articles and blog posts but we do have some rules that you must follow to participate in the Community so that we can ensure an enjoyable and respectful experience for everyone who desires to participate. Remember, this is a community source of information, and anything posted here must be appropriate for anyone in our community to read. Also, participation in the community is entirely voluntary. Should you find that the community does not meet your needs or expectations, please do not participate. We encourage your feedback about the community, but please understand that we cannot make changes to the community. Your blog posts are the property of Foothill Credit Union and may be chosen to appear on the Foothill Credit Union website, newsletter, or other marketing materials and may be edited for length or otherwise.
- We do not edit posts on the Blog, but we reserve the right to remove posts that violate these rules or posts from a community member who has violated these rules. If you see a post that you believe violates the Community Rules, please report abuse here.
- Your posts should be suitable for all members of the community to see. The community is open to all points of view on the intended business-related topics and polite debate is encouraged. You should stay on topic and your posts should be relevant to the subject of the conversation. Posts unrelated to the subject matter may be removed. If you have an idea for a subject, please contact us at [email protected].
- Only contribute information that you know is accurate. Intentionally posting inaccurate or misleading information is not helpful to the conversation and the exchange of information among members of the community.
- You may not post anything that is offensive including, but not limited to anything that is libelous, sexually explicit, provocative, vulgar, profane, abusive, threatening, hateful, ethnically offensive or derogatory.
- We do not independently verify and we do not guarantee or make any representations about the accuracy of comments posted here. Comments posted do not reflect the opinions of Foothill Credit Union.
- When sharing your thoughts, you must use your own identity. You may not pose as someone else, or allow someone else to use your identity.
- Be civil and respectful to your fellow posters. Disagreements are expected, but please be polite and respectful of other’s opinions. Personal attacks and malicious intent are not in the spirit of civil and respectful conversations and will not be permitted.
- You may not post comments aimed at promoting or selling your product or service or driving traffic to a particular website for personal, political or monetary gain.
- Submit only your own, original content or properly attribute your comments to the original author. Don’t violate someone else’s copyright. If you see something out there in cyberspace that you admire don’t claim it as your work.
- Submitting more than 10 new blog posts during a 24-hour period may be considered blog-spamming, and can result in the restriction of your blog privileges.
- Please do not post personal information in the blogs, especially full names, account numbers, phone numbers, addresses, etc.
- Please do not post “viral” emails, also referred to as email chain letters. If you cannot substantiate the information, please do not post it.
- Use good blog etiquette. Don’t use ALL CAPS or underline all your text and use excessive graphics or HTML in your formatting.
- The online community is only available to individuals age 13 and over.
Certain laws will not allow us to obtain some information from community members – that’s why you are prevented from submitting your full name in blog comments. As well, under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), you must be 13 years of age or older to participate or provide us any of your personal information, including your email address. (For more information about COPPA, visit the Federal Trade Commission’s website disclaimer.)
Employees from Foothill Credit Union may be posting their comments on this site. It’s important to note that Foothill Credit Union does not endorse any comments made by its employees on this blog. All statements and viewpoints expressed in the comments are strictly those of the commenter alone, and do not constitute an official position of Foothill Credit Union.
Please note:
We reserve the right to immediately remove any blog post that is blatantly offensive or appears to be a troll posting, with “troll” defined as a patently offensive or inflammatory post designed to gather instant retaliation.
Any direct communication to Foothill Credit Union staff should be done by emailing [email protected] or by phone at 626-445-0950. If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact us at [email protected].